About Me

We are a family for God living in Montana. As a family we enjoy playing the WII, Kettlebells and playing outdoors!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We have a BLOG!

Welcome to our family blog! 

I would like to let you all know what i have planned for my blog. Of course i will have updates on Zac and I. And what everyone wants to read about....the KIDS. Lots of post about them i am sure. I also will include some on family fitness (this mostly will come from Z). 

Sometimes i may write about things that are close to my heart. Things that effect my family...and straight up funny things too! I sometimes write about things that may offend or make people mad. That is not my intention and if you have made decisions for your family, thats great...i have the right to do so for mine as well! We all live and learn what we can.

I hope everyone who visits our blog will love it as much as we like sharing!

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